onderzoeken (v.) {dutch} - 'to research' from onder 'under, below' + zoeken (v.) 'to seek'. 


This section of the site shares some of my thinking and things I've made, written or collated. I have always turned towards and away from writing over the years. My most recent focus has been diagnosing documentation; I'm in the midst of being officially labelled as having Autism Spectrum Condition. I've been self-identified as autistic for several years, with varying degrees of confidence. Approaching the first meeting with a psychiatrist this summer, I prepared all sorts of interesting and colourful charts. I hope to share the form and structure - less my personal details- one day. 

I made images and films over the past 7 years or so and wrote a self-published book that I couldn't make sense of marketing. I also attempted to do something about neurodivergent dressing and design. Typical of a late-diagnosed and undersupported AutiHD type, little of this work led to fruitful commercial or reputational success. It does all document my divergences rather beautifully, and sometimes poignantly, and sometimes with an honest but somewhat nervy lack of inhibition.

Image archives are here @wardrobeplaytime, and the video archive is here on YouTube.

On this site, you can peruse my current Library of Mad texts and talks, read what I found out about hyperlexia or a sweet rant on the problem of Gabor Maté.